There is a legal process by which you can remove an arrest from your publicly available criminal history record. These laws are confusing, and people often require a lawyer to successfully complete the strict procedures.

We evaluate thousands of sealing and expungement requests annually.

Let us see if you qualify under current Florida law.


Did you know that in Florida all arrests remain on your criminal record for the rest of your life? It doesn't matter if the police arrested the wrong person, if you were found not guilty by a jury, or if the charges were dropped. It will always be on your criminal history report.

The only way around this is to seal or expunge that case. This process is confusing, lengthy, and is best done by an attorney.

We want you to get a fresh start by eliminating a huge barrier to your employment, housing, and income: your arrest record.

Our attorneys will research your eligibility under the law and, if you qualify, we will complete the paperwork on your behalf and represent you in court.

Scales of Justice, Gavel, and Book

Eligibility Requirements

These are general eligibility requirements as determined by Florida law and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

In order to qualify for sealing or expungement, you must:

  • have been arrested in Florida
  • have no open criminal cases (pending trial or in pretrial diversion)
  • have never been adjudicated guilty of a crime (this is different than pleading guilty and is also different than having adjudication withheld)
  • have completed all terms of probation, if ordered
  • have never had a case sealed or expunged in the past
  • not owe any fines, fees, court costs, or restitution

There are additional requirements that can be discussed after our attorneys complete an initial eligibility evaluation.

Human Trafficking Survivor Exception

If you are a human trafficking survivor, Florida law may allow you to have cases sealed or expunged even if you were adjudicated guilty.

What is the process?

Complete Online Application

Submit an online application to Florida Justice Center.

We will evaluate your eligibility under current Florida law.

Application and Fingerprints

If we determine you qualify, we will send you the application by email.

All you do is print it, sign and notarize it, and get fingerprinted.

We Handle the Rest

Once we receive your completed application and fingerprints, we will order court records, submit the application, and do all court filings.


Florida Justice Center Director of Legal Services, Alex Saiz, Esq. discusses expungement with a client
Florida Justice Center Director of Legal Services, Alex Saiz, Esq. discusses expungement with a client.

Have more questions? Get in touch